Farewell to Mr. & Mrs. K V Kamath – 08 July
CGI Shanghai and Indian Association jointly arranged farewell meeting on 8th July 2020, to Mr. K V Kamath on his relocation to India on completion of his tenure as President of New Development Bank, Shanghai.
It has been a privilege to connect with Mr. & Mrs. Kamath through IA & Shanghai Kannadigaru. In the farewell event conveyed gratitude and appreciation on behalf of Shanghai Kannadigaru.
Shanghai Kannadigaru is proud to have Mr. & Mrs. Kamath, hailing from Karnataka in Shanghai as the face of Karnataka-India. Mr. K V Kamath is a great inspiration to many and their presence in our Kannada Rajyotsava 2019 celebration was an encouragement to all our members.
We wish them a wonderful life journey in their future endeavor.
Shanghai Kannadigaru representation during the farewell meeting:
- Sandeepshastri Kashikar – zoom meeting
- Vittal Mallya – in person at CGI SH conference room
- Girish Baddur – in person at CGI SH conference room
Friends Farewell Meet – 02 August
Close members farewell meet was held on 02 Aug 2020 at Indian Kitchen, Shanghai. Several of our Shanghai ಕನ್ನಡಿಗರು members relocated from Shanghai in 1st Half 2020. In appreciation of our already relocated members, a fond farewell with online interaction was arranged from Shanghai ಕನ್ನಡಿಗರು.
Volunteer group felicitated our beloved and ever enthusiastic Sukesh Rao & family on their moving to a new career opportunity back in India.
This event served as first face to face gathering of year 2020 giving group members an opportunity to interact & celebrate together in difficult COVID-19 time.